A Prayer For You



Here's a prayer for you from  Numbers 6:24–26 (CSB) — 24 “May the Lord bless you and protect you; 25 may the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 may the Lord look with favor on you and give you peace.”

This is my prayer for each of you today.


I pray that God would bless you in Christ Jesus in ways that may surprise you.

I pray that God would protect you. Even though pain will come, we suffer as those who find protection through death into the next life.

I pray God would make his face shine on you and you would know His presence and loving gaze.

I pray that God would be gracious to you, reminding you each morning of his new mercies.

I pray that God would look with favor on you, giving you what you don't deserve.

I pray that God would give you peace, in your hearts and your homes.


I love you all.


In Christ,

Jonny Day


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