Who we are
The Shallow Ford
Hundreds of years ago, Native American tribes used a trail to make their way down from what is now Canton, towards the Chattahoochee River. Their trail came to the river at a shallow spot that was accessible for wagons, families, and traders to cross over. That shallow place to cross is what gave the trail it’s name today: Shallowford Road.
The name of our church is representative of the literal road we are on as well as our purpose from God. We want to provide a shallow ford for people on their spiritual journey. The Christian life is a long journey, and we all need an accessible path to find our way home to the loving presence of God.
Our logo pictures this by using stepping stones in the shape of an “S” for Shallowford.
Jeremiah 6:16 — This is what the LORD says:
Stand by the roadways and look.
Ask about the ancient paths, “Which is the way to what is good?”
Then take it and find rest for yourselves.
Our Purpose
In the late 1980s, a few churches came together with a vision to start a new church in our growing community. After decades of church mergers, name changes, and different leaders, Shallowford Church as it is today took shape in 2021.
As we asked God what his purpose for us might be in this community, we believe we heard clearly:
Be a church community where we receive God’s love in ways that free us to love God and others.
This purpose is the shallow ford for each of us to find our way in the journey home to God. Jesus describes his way as an “easy yoke and light burden” in Matthew 11:30, and we believe this way of receiving love and loving others is that easy yoke.
God has built a church with people from many backgrounds, full of young kids, and big hearts to love others. Shallowford is a safe place to belong and become who God is inviting you to be. We believe that the deepest truth about you is that you are the Beloved of God, and we want to help you to live in that beautiful reality.