Fear and Faith
Halloween is a holy irony.
The fact that we celebrate this day by dressing up, laughing, and eat candy is deeply upside-down.
We actually get to laugh in the face of evil because it's all been completely disarmed, de-throned, and defeated.
Colossians 2:15 says that Christ, "disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him."
All of this evil around us has been put to open shame by Christ.
Evil has been defanged because death has been defeated.
The worst that evil has to offer, Christ took.
The fear that haunted houses try to replicate is nothing compared to the place of the dead Christ descended into.
The ghosts and ghouls that fill front yards in your neighborhood are no more powerful than the cardboard they're printed on compared to Christ.
We don't quite know how to live without fear in this world.
Just ask my wife about our truce from hiding and scaring in the house. I'll let you guess who got more scared…you can ask him about it after he preaches Sunday.
Fear is waiting for us around every corner, down every dark staircase, under every cozy bed.
But it's also waiting in the next month of bills, the next season of life we don't understand, the new job we're about to start.
Boogeymen and monsters turn into purpose and loneliness.
Fear doesn't really go away. It just grows up.
But remember, He who sits in the heavens laughs. (Psalm 2:4)
God sits over our fears and our enemies as the comically cosmic King.
Every threat is nothing before him.
So take your paper swords and plastic armor and fight those dragons.
Because just like those neighbors see you standing behind your dressed up princesses and ninjas, those enemies see the One standing behind us and take flight.
Love y'all.
Jonny Day