New Year Rhythms



Hey Friends,


You made it to the new year, and we're almost to Quitters Day.

Quitters Day is the 2nd Friday in January when most people statistically give up on their New Year's Resolutions.

Good news for all of us - we aren't making resolutions. We're adopting rhythms.

A resolution is a black and white, yes or no, a commitment to do or not to do something.

A rhythm is a habit that can be flexible enough to become a part of your life no matter what changes may come your way.


Instead of making commitments to change in January, we're taking this month to consider what rhythms we can embrace to walk with God.


Last Fall we talked about 6 Rhythms of our Life With God:

  • Scripture

  • Prayer

  • Gathering

  • Generosity

  • Rest

  • Witness


This week, I want you to consider the rhythm of Scripture.

Your mind may immediately jump to a Bible reading plan, or all the times you've quit a Bible reading plan. But a rhythm of Scripture is more than a plan to read the Bible.

A rhythm of Scripture is how you take in God's word alone and together.


You may be drawn toward something big, like reading the Bible in a year. Or, you may want to slow down and go deeper in a few places.

Maybe you've never read much of the Bible, and you just want to get started.

Here's the win for this rhythm: just do something.

But as you read God's word, take some time afterwards to meditate on what you read.

How does it show you something about God? About yourself?

How does it fit into the whole story of Scripture? (check out the Bible Project)

Is there anything you're called to do from this passage?

How does this passage lead you to the good news of who Jesus is for you?

Then, take a few minutes to pray, reflecting back to God what His word is doing in you.


The good news is that this rhythm isn't just on you by yourself.

Part of a rhythm of Scripture is also taking in God's work together.

This is done in a major way every Sunday when we gather.

But it's done in more conversational ways too. It happens over coffee and mealtimes, in Community Groups and Bible Studies, on our retreats with our men's and women's ministries.

Colossians 3:16 says to "Let God's word dwell richly among you."


How can you let God's word dwell richly among you and your relationships?


In Christ,

Jonny Day


Sunday Recap: 2/16/25


New Year’s (Spiritual) Diet