Sunday Recap: 2/16/25

Hey Friends


We have moved into a new section of John where we have 5 chapters of conversations and prayers all within 24 hours of Jesus' crucifixion.

This Sunday, we looked at how Jesus gives himself to us as Servant, Standard, and Sacrifice.

The one who is seated on the King's throne is also wearing the servant's towel.

And he turns around to us and tells us to follow his example in that service!


One thing we talked about was that this passage is explicitly telling us to serve our brothers and sisters in the church.

This is made tangible and visible through Church Membership.

If you would like to become a member of Shallowford Church, we'd love to help you!


Women's Bible Study - starting February 26

This Spring we are taking 8 weeks and reading the book of Esther together!

We'll have a morning group and an evening group.

Sign-up today:


Men's Retreat - February 27 - March 1

We are 3 weeks away!

This year we're walking through the book of Colossians together.

Join us for a couple days away where we'll have fun, rest, worship, and study God's word together.

Sign up today!



We give because God has first given to us.

Our hope is that you hold your finances with an open hand and take a step toward generosity.

Maybe you give today.

Maybe you setup a recurring donation as a commitment to give regularly.

Maybe you increase what you're giving.


Our monthly budget needs are $20,333.33.

How can you be a part of meeting these monthly ministry needs?

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Only A Holy God by CityAlight

You Are My All In All by Denis Jernigan

Bless God by Cody Carnes

Is He Worthy? By Andrew Peterson


In Christ,

Jonny Day


Sunday Recap: 2/23/25


New Year Rhythms